Yossef Zakariya
Yossef Zakariya is an artist and craftsman working in various fields, on a long journey through thirty-five years of activity as an independent creator since 1985. He acquired the foundation for his creative journey in his father's house. His father was a jeweler and jewelry craftsman for a prestigious community in Tehran.
Even as a young child, he spent long hours in his father's workshop. When he began to melt noble metals using old methods, he started to have determination and a strong desire to create like the greats. Yossef's father and grandfather spent their entire lives creating exquisite works of vessels,jewelry, and miniature sculptures of monuments, some of which were for the royal house.
Yossef dedicated the last three decades of his creations to works that celebrate spiritual worlds and geometry colliding. Containing valuable information and essence.
The main form he worked on and researched is the form of the Merkavah (divine chariot).
While comparing sciences and generational wisdom, investigating ancient writings and contemporary writings, through Leonardo da Vinci, Newton etc. Yossef presents spiritual and historical information through form and color that are perceived by the eye and can be touched. He turns "spiritual gifts" into a product that is perceived by the eye as a form, making it accessible in material and shape.